Dec 28, 2010 19:14
1. shopped with mother today. Bought earmuffs, knee socks and mascara. and that makes a strangely accurate image of me as it were.
2. still nook obsessed to an insane degree and highly thankful for the heap of free ebooks I've gotten from b&n, google, et all.
3. Bachelorette party tomorrow night which ushers in the two and a half days of wedding madness. I'll be non existant online and otherwise for a large portion of it.
4. Oh god do i need to finish two of my prompts so bad. One is at word count but the story needs double. Maybe I'll just post half and finish the rest in the new year. The other...well I'll figure out something. At this rate baby!verse is going to not have it's establishing fic which is sort of hilarious... but the prompt is just 'kiss' so I believe in myself to knock something out that fits before friday morning. SO CLOSE AND YET SO FAR.
5. there is no number five
6 I GOTS 5 MORE ICONS SPACES CAUSE I RENEWED MY PAID ACCOUNT I AM SO EXCITE /nerdy nerd nerd loyalty userpics are the bestest
7. I need to trim my hair tonight. It's getting giant again.