-The drag show at Gay 90's was AMAZING. Every single one looked fantastic and knew how to put on a show.
-alkddlkfjalk tired. Got in at 3, made food, ate food, collapsed 4ish. Woke up at 9 because apparently my body hates me.
-we've all decided we need more proper nights out, we're going to aim for once a month for fun as well as a once a month art meet to keep us all motivated.
- night highlights include: helping a bride-to-be hold her dress out of the toilet, losing at pool, realizing one of the birthday/party/bachelorette(I couldn't hear which) groups was for an actress I directed in a film two years ago. "are these cat ears?" "It's a bow" "Oh, I see!" /drunk boy was druuuunk. And yes I had a bow headband on.
-My nails are currently barbie-bubblegum pink. I find this entertaining so you need to know too.
in random news:
He seduced me at walgreens yesterday.