HI INTERNETS! I am thinking about FILMS. What 2012 films are you excited for?
I am currently keeping my eyes on:
The Avengers - I HAVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG. COME TO ME, SUPERHERO TEAM UP. COME TO ME. (Also, clearly this will inspire a tonne more movieverse Steve/Tony. I AM SO DOWN WITH THAT.)
The Amazing Spider-Man - I am somewhat hesitant of this, because I suspect I will want to spit on their Spidey characterisation, but I am going to watch it anyway. Even if only because The Social Network has put Andrew Garfield distinctly on my radar.
The Dark Knight Rises - I'M BATMAN.
Arrietty - The Borrowers TV series is, like, my childhoooooood. So I am way excite to see what Studio Ghibli does with the concept. YES PLS DO WANT. :>
Brave - As I have
said before, Pixar film with a female protagonist? YES PLS. Espesh a badass one who rides horses and shoots arrows at the same time. :3
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Did I hear you say Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch working on the same project? I am there! Also, obvs a LoTR prequel is going to be epic and beautiful.
Life of Pi - I really liked the book, and I'm curious about how/if it will translate into a film.
Star Trek XII - I have basically been waiting for the sequel to the reboot ever since the reboot came out. I have highly srs and important plans to continue OT3 shipping the crap out of Kirk/Spock/Uhura. :3
Snow White and the Huntsman - Yeah, so I will basically watch anything but Twilight for the sake of Kristen Stewart. ♥__♥ Also has the guy from Thor, so there might be added puppyface. But mainly: KStew<33333.
Am I missing anything of vital importance? Does anyone planning on seeing any of these feel like seeing them with me? (
wanttobeatree has dibs on The Avengers, The Hobbit and Brave. And possibly some others? I forget. We make far-too-long-in-advance cinema plans all the time.) Would it be ridiculous for me to start getting excited about 2013 already? (Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Fast & Furious 6 and The Hobbit: There and Back Again? zomg)