Yesterday evening I had the late shift and ended work at 9pm, and then went out drinking with work peoples (got home at ~1:20), and today I had the mid shift and ended work at 7pm, and then went for a meal and then to see Avatar in 3D with my parents (YES, WITH MY PARENTS, I AM THAT COOL), and got home at ~11:30, so I've only just had the chance to
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(I couldn't actually tell which emotional bits would have made me cry, because part way through the film tears started streaming down my face, and I realised about five minutes later that it was because I WAS NOT BLINKING. Five minutes after that, I was like, fuck it, it's not too much of an inconvenience, and the graphics are TOTALLY WORTH IT, I am not going to bother making myself. And then proceeded to have tears rolling down my face for the rest of the film. I would have cried or teared up emotionally a bunch of times, I think, but it was totally impossible for me to tell.)
I kind of want fic, just because I want MOAR, but I'm not sure I actually need anything else for these characters storywise. Mostly I am pondering whether anyone will write crossover fusion AUs. THAT WOULD WORK FOR ME, I THINK.
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