I have come to a startling realization: I like Chad Michael Murray. I blame fandom. Mainly because without fandom, I'd have no idea who he is. In fact, scratch that, I still have no idea who he is. Well. Okay, I know the basics. Jared's friend, much mocked for his dating habits, actor who plays someone or other in One Tree Hill, called a douche ridiculously often (although often affectionately). But really. I have never watched a show/film with him in it. In fact, I've never seen any video footage of him. All I have are some photos and some basic information. And yet I am still suddenly all aflail over him! Fandom! You are not allowed to make me fangirl people who I am this unfamiliar with!
I think it started a little under a week ago, when I read
Heaven's Just A Sin Away by
jeyhawk (wordcount: ~13,000), which is a
spn_harlequin fic in which Jared is a medium who can talk to ghosts. But more importantly (with regards to my new found love of CMM, anyway) Chad is his college roommate. He plays the adorable straight friend who hits on everything with breasts and is sekritly afraid of ghosts! (Also there is all kinds of woobie J2 love going on in that fic, they have epic against-all-odds!love and are adorable and angsty and then adorable again. But shh. It's CMM obsession time). So. I kind of came away from that fic feeling a certain degree of mild affection for the boy.
Then! The next day! I read
When I Fell, Verona by
rejeneration (wordcount: ~6,000) which is dark angsty painful drug addiction fic, featuring a Jensen who is so desperately in need of a hug it kind of makes my insides implode and a Jared who is pined for, but more relevantly, Chad shows up and is way more awesome than he has any obligation to be, and he kind of won a little part of my soul. (The fic also won a lot of my soul for
rejeneration, and some more of my soul - don't they already have enough? - for team padackles). (But the Chad soul winning was the most surprising of all the bits of my soul that were stolen).
After I was done with that fic I went on to read
Mr. Right Next Door by
katjad (wordcount: ~30,000), and while I wasn't focusing on Jensen spying on Jared the middle school teacher (and the romance and drama that ensued), I was busy being in love with Jared's workmate and friend, teacher!Chad, who completely failed at: not living in squalor, having a relationship with Sophia Bush, and winning at videogames. It was adorkable. My reaction could only really be stated thus: "Chaaaaaaad! ♥♥♥". That was when I began to suspect.
Then yesterday I was reading
Highschool AU (wordcount: Ahaha, you think I can be bothered to add up that many seperate parts? Long. And, well, you could just read
the first story as a stand alone (of ~1,000 words), but I dare you to do that and not be sucked in to reading the next one. Go on. I dare you.) which featured Jared, Sandy and Chad as possibly the most adorable trio of highschool friends ever. And Chad was a bit of a tasteless heterosexual man!whore, but he was supportive and awesome when his best friend decided to hook up with Mr. Ackles the IT teacher, so I forgave him for his thing with Alona the Skanky Cheerleader. I'm pretty sure this fic was doing some subtle reenforcing of my Chad love while I wasn't paying attention. Fandom is sly like that when it comes to making you love things.
And then just now? Well, just now I finished reading
Open Doors by
light_up (wordcount: ~3,000) in which Jared moved in with Jensen, because he had no place to stay after Supernatural finished, and then Chad took it upon himself to give Jensen relationship advice. Chad! Giving relationship advice! And then I n'awwwwwwwed all over the place, and suddenly realised I was doomed. Oh Chad ♥ How are you so awesome?
Also, I think that fact I'd already seen the
Top Ten Reasons Not To Hate CMM picspam, by
wistful_fever, helped to catalyse the me-falling-for-Chad process. I mean anyone who can look at Jared with that much love on his face (Reason #4 picture #3, omgwtf, Chad is soinlove!*) can't be all bad. And I am actually incapable of looking at that picture of Jared tickling Chad without my toes curling from cute-overdose (Chad's little paws! Their happy shiny faces! *dies*).
So yes, despite the bad facial hair (oh god, it's SO BAD D:), I am now kind of loving on Mayhem. I mean, he may be a douche, but he's an awesome douche, which I think is a little like a magnificent bastard just with much, much less dignity. CHAD! *draws hearts*
* I mean that platonically of course. Jeez guys! What do you take me for? Jared and Chad may be ridiculously in love in a BFF way, but I could never forget that J2 are ridiculously in love in a we-want-in-each-other's-pants way! (I am an OTP girl all the way ♥ I mean, did you see what I did there? Making a post that's supposedly all about the Chad, but which is sekritly all about the paddywhackles? Ha! I am sneaky like a fox!)