That was really, really good. I'm having trouble writing my reaction post right now, because I have just been reading a bunch of them and they are making me EVEN MORE SAD about Sam and Dean splitting up. :( *duct tapes them together*
I guess I will have to do a fast-forward rewatch for the sake of writing up me reaction.
- MUSIC! We had music for the opening of last week, but I thought possibly that was just a beginning-of-season thing, but we had more rock for this weeks opening, and more later on. SUPERNATURAL, ARE YOU BRINGING MULLET ROCK BACK? BECAUSE YOU SHOULD. <333
- Rib carvings are awesome. ALL THE COOL KIDS HAVE THEM NOWADAYS.
- As I have seen a couple of people say, Castiel's "I'm gonna find God" made me think of him looking for religion so he could get in touch with his spiritual side. Which just makes me think of that joke "I found Jesus! Turns out he was in the kitchen the whole time." HAVE YOU CHECKED THE KITCHEN, CASTIEL? HAVE YOU?
- Srsly though, I hope Castiel's faith is misplaced, b/c I am not particularly on board with the whole 'God' storyline. (Unless, as I think I read ibroketuesday saying, God is the trickster. I COULD GET BEHIND THAT. \o/)
- ...honestly? I whacked pause after "I did it all for you" so I could wail. YES, I AM NOW THE KIND OF CRAZY OTPER WHO LAMENTS OTHER SHIPS GETTING ANY SUBTEXT. This is what SPN has done to me. WHY, SPN, WHY? Were you just bitter because I'd already been corrupted into incest and rps by the time I met you, so you had to find other ways of ruining my brain? BECAUSE THAT IS JUST PETTY.
- So then it filled me with happy when I unpaused and Castiel basically called Dean worthless. Not that I think Dean deserves it! I just like that it put a damper on the shipiness. I AM A BAD PERSON. (Also, Castiel was being kind of a complete asshole, and I like him better that way!)
- Hello pretty new impala footage! :D I look forward to seeing you in vids!
- HOW BADASS WAS THE WALKING INTO TOWN SCENE? :D See, and *now* you're starting to feel a little apocalyptic, show. You should have started with the shit like this in S3! Mmm... atmospheric.
- ELLEN! You are also badass. :DDDDD Are we actually going to get some recurring, non-evil female characters that are not romantic/'romantic' interests for out leads? Are we? Are we?! :D WANT.
- OMG the scene with Sam and the blood! Where most of me was all "Noooo! Don't do it Sam! You've been down this path before! D:" but a wee small part of me was going "...y'know, those powers were really useful. You could be dealing with this situation much faster if you still had them. There's not anyone around to use them to manipulate you now. Plus, I think it's hot when you can kill things with your brain."
- SAM JUST WANTS TO SAVE PEOPLE AGAIN, WOOBIE. (Also, upon rewatching, Dean coming over to ask what's wrong is v. pleasing. Awww, being emotionally in-tune with one another. But mainly: SAM WANTS TO SAVE PEOPLE.) Oh, poor Sammich. He wants to feel good about himself again, because he accidentally started the apocalypse, but the only way he knows how to feel good about himself is to use his strength to remove evil from the world, and the most effective way he knows of doing that is what lead him down the apocalypse road in the first place! D: This scene really got to me. It feels like such a trapped and helpless space to be in. It doesn't surprise me he feels the need to take time out from hunting, because it's only making him feel more useless. :(((
- Jo and Rufus are ossum! But I don't ship them. APPARENTLY THE REST OF YOU DO, OR SOMETHING.
- D: I may have died a little when Dean didn't go rescue Sam. I mean, that has been my prediction for S5 since... possibly before the end of S4, that they were breaking Sam and Dean apart in S4 so that in S5 they could learn not to be so codependent and slowly, gradually come back together again, stronger and more effecting for their lack of crippling emotional dependency. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I AM HAPPY ABOUT IT. Their utterly screwed up codependency is WHAT I LOVE BEST. D: I mean, on some levels, I am happy for them, and proud of them for the progress they're making, but on other levels NOOOOOOOOO YOUR EMOTIONAL ISSUES ARE MY EMO PORN. CRY, CRY.
- "My instinct is to call Bobby and ask for help." "Well tough." Ahahahaha, yessssss. And then we get some smart!Dean! Of a slightly pastede on yey variety, but dude. I WILL TAKE MY SMART!DEAN HOWEVER IT COMES. *grabby hands*
- In some ways I like War being a dude in a cherry red mustang, in other ways, WAR IS OBVS A CHICK, NOT A DUDE. (Good Omens has the definitive horsemen of the apocalypse for me, it seems.) (Also, I have read a couple of GO/SPN War/Dean fics, and I guess they are now pretty thoroughly jossed. Sadface.)
- "I can see inside your head and man, it is one track city in there: blood, blood, blood. Lust for power. Same as always. You want to be strong again. But not just strong. Stronger than everybody." WHY IS THAT KIND OF HOT? D: With the blood and will to power and that streak of just-enough-arrogance-to-be-fucking-sexy and sadfghjkjkgffg. SAM. I want in your pants mind. Nnngh.
- "Hi, Jo." IDK why that was so cute! <3
- No, but seriously, that close-up shot were Dean was holding it up? I was kind of going "Sam! Don't put on the ring! We all know putting on mysterious rings of power just leads down MORE terrible paths of addiction! Don't do it! You'll just end up having to go on a mission to Mt. Doom to destroy it and attempt to save your own soul by destroying the temptation!" And then Dean suggested a pit stop at Mt. Doom. Hee!
- "The problem's me. How far I'll go. There's something in me that... scares the hell outta me, Dean." kind of reminding me of Dean's line from Devil's Trap: "For you or Dad, the things I’m willing to do or kill, it’s just, uh.... it scares me sometimes."
I wonder if my switching sides from Dean!girl to Sam!girl had anything to do with Sam and Dean swapping roles of which one is the one that's willing to go too far, and which one that is still capable of taking their general sense of morality into account when assessing a situation which gravely threatens the other. - I second the people saying "How the fuck are you going to worry LESS about Sam if you can't keep an eye on him, Dean?". But. IDK. I think that was probably the most effective piece of emotional communicating they've done... ever? In a very long time, at least. The both shared their feelings! There was no punching! They ended the discussion on good terms with one another! I AM KIND OF PROUD OF YOU, BOYS.
- "Hey you, uh. You wanna take the impala?" HE SAID ILU TO SAM. \O/
In conclusion: FIIIIX THEEEEM. D: