Have a grid of pictures!

Nov 30, 2008 03:22

Because everyone is doing it. And because it's a pretty cool idea. (Even though I did find it ridiculously difficult to think of answers for some of the questions.) (Especially #2. I JUST DON'T HAVE AN ANSWER TO THAT.)

01. Answer each of the questions below the cut using the [Flickr] search engine ( Read more... )

i like aesthetics, meme

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theoret November 30 2008, 07:52:25 UTC

Oh man, your tl;dr does not compare to mine when I get going. With this meme I was like "Hmm. I can write NOTHING AT ALL, or I can write six billionty million words. I do not think I am capable of any middle ground." so I decided to write nothing because it's a visual meme. (But I still do kind of want to go and ETA: in some teal deer. *facepalms*)

London is cool, but it is so big it scares me. 'The South Bank' + 'where my Grandma lives' are my chunks of London that are small enough on their own not be be intimidating. xD I AM SO LAME.

Ha! Public transport? I spend most of my time on British public transport pining for the sheer awesome that is Dutch public transport. THEY HAVE DOUBLE DECKER TRAINS. That are SILENT. (As opposed to ka-clack-ka-clack... ka-clack-ka-clack... ka-clack-ka-clack... ka-clack-ka-clack, which is the sound of the London Underground.)

(I kind of have a crush on the Netherlands. OMIGOD THEY ARE SO COO~OOL. <3 They have functional public transport (it runs on time!) and invented stroopwafels and were the first nation in the world to legalise same-sex marriage and I think the language sounds lovely and <3333!)



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