Mmmm.... stargates.

Jan 04, 2008 23:08

Hi guys! I'm kind of failing at feedback so far this year. I have no idea what's up with me, seriously. *facepalms a whole lot* Anyway, I owe some of you feedback, and I do actually intend to get around to leaving it... sometime... hopefully... Anyway, if you get some feedback from me on something you wrote in December sometime in, like, February, that would be why. I will try to stop sucking soon? Really, I have no excuse.

In other news! I have started watching SGA! Which I have been meaning to do for, oh, a year an a half? Two years maybe? Yeah. Procrastination = my arch nemesis. Anyway, you on my flist who have been mentioning it recently lured me in to actually getting around to watching, so I may squee with you at some point, assuming I get out of my 'lurking all over the place' rut. I'm only up to 1x15 right now though, and it's going kinda slowly. Since when does it take 9 hours to DL one episode of a TV show? *sulks* Also, the show is so far not doing that great of a job selling me on John/Rodney, which is, I believe, the fandom OTP? I mean, if I read enough fic I might get sold on the pairing, but right now the show isn't making me sit up and go: OTP!! IDK. That could just be how spoilt I am by SPN. I am used to every single episode revolving around the relationship between my OTP! What is up with this 'more than two characters' television?

Actually, the pairing that has pinged me most so far in my poking around is John/Atlantis. I'm now trying to work out if that is more or less bizarre than Dean/Impala. I mean, on the one hand, sentient!Atlantis, or semi-sentient!Atlantis feel much closer to canon to me than sentient! or semi-sentient!Impala, but on the other hand person/car seems less weird to me than person/city. (Side note: I love that fandom has made me crazy enough that it took me a while to realise debating that in my head was completely insane ♥ Being totally crack-addled = awesomecakes) Also, it just occurred to me that the reason John/Atlantis is pinging me harder than John/Rodney might be that John/Rodney in its natural state just does not meet my necessary fucked-up-ness quota. McShep just does not seem to compete with Wincest on the 'fun twistedness to explore' scale. Although, uh, if anyone happens to know where some screwed up McShep lives, I would totally not complain about being linked. *cough* Not that I'm trying to make anyone rec me fic or anything. (Bearing in mind I have already read Transcendental by astolat, and am maybe thinking about a recs post including it, which would not be 'a rec' so much as 'an explanation of how it hits my emotional kinks so hard I can barely think'. Um. Yes.)

(Look, evil-overlord/top-attack-dog is my universal OTP of all time, and anything that can even vaguely be mapped onto that = LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE. LOVE. It's one of the reasons why antichrist!Sam/Dean works so well for me.) (Plus, overlords who take over and proceed to be more efficient than the power structure that was in place before them = SO MUCH GLEE.) (I am now missing all the Smallville fic I used to read about Clark and Lex taking over the world together. Oh season-one-smallville!Lex, I would vote you world dictator any day. Provided Timothy Drake could not be persuaded to take the position instead.) (Why yes, I do keep a ranking in my head of fictional characters I think would be most fit for ruling the world. And the amount of time I devote to thinking through the pros and cons of the candidates is totally reasonable. Shut up.)

tv: stargate: atlantis, crack

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