(1st shot)

Dec 15, 2011 20:51

[ The first thing that comes through on the video is the unhappy set of someone’s mouth mid-scowl. Then it’s angry green eyes and the entire face of one very pissed off Dean Winchester. ] All right, I get it. I’m pretty sure this film isn’t out until next year, y’get me, and I ain’t Daniel Craig. So the whole cowboys, funny space watch thing is kinda spoilery. And I don’t even get Olivia Wilde for my troubles. Anyone seein’ how this don’t add up? I mean, if you’re gonna pull my leg, least y’could offer me is the hot, naked chick, it’s only fair.

[ A heaving sigh. ] What I don’t get is what I’m doin’ here, or hell, why m’even here. If it’s Cas fuckin’ up, that’s fine, but the hell are you lot doin’ here too, that’s what I wanna know.

[ A pause. ] And man, does the smell o’ shit ever get any better?
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