Title: Broken-Hearted Valentine
Author: Ran-dezvous
Genre: Friendship, Hurt/Comfort
Fandom: Detective Conan
Claim: General Series - Kisaki Eri and Fujimine Yukiko (yes, they're both single here), with mentions of Mouri Kogoro
Table/Theme: Table 1, Theme 20 - Box of crackerjacks (caveat)
Rating: G
Word Count: 700 (all in five sentences, no kidding)
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1. I'm offering fics for the Lightning Round of the help_japan community (this is different from the one mentioned in my author's note to my fic), so if you have $2.99 to spare (the price of one Help Japan v-gift), feel free to request them! Just like my last offer, I'm accepting all requests! My thread can be found here. Hurry, though, the Lightning Round ends on Sunday at 4 P.M., GMT!
2. I'm also doing the same for Round One at helpthesouth, if you prefer to help that cause. (Feel free to help both, though.) My thread can be found here. Auction ends on the 25th at 6 P.M., CST.
3. help_japan also has a requests post, where you can leave a comment containing your request! Who knows, somebody aside from me would grant your request! You can take as many fic offers as you wish. helpthesouth also has one, which you can find here.
4. If you're strapped for cash, I know a couple of people on my f-list, ammchan and candy__chan, who have permanent requests posts on their journals; I could give you the links, if you want. If it helps, they've written a few Kogoro/Eri fics. (Okay, ammchan has only written one, but whatever, it's still Kogoro/Eri, okay?)
5. Last but not the least, you could take the path of least resistance, and just wait. Fic request or no fic request, I will write for them one of these days, I swear! Though if you request for them in my help_japan or helpthesouth threads (or both), they're definitely going to be in my priority list. Not to mention I don't procrastinate on fic writing as much when I'm accountable to someone.
Oh, and I should have another Eri-centric (with Ran, this time) five-sentence fic coming out soon, so watch out for it! Got inspired reading the Kogoro/Eri case in Volume 27 for the umpteenth time, LOL.
. . . okay, so this comment was longer than I expected. I actually have a veeery long reply in the works as a response to your comment, so here's hoping there'll be more Kogoro/Eri discussion soon! Because there're lots to discuss. Ciao for now!
Why aren't you in my f-list?!
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