Apr 23, 2008 11:29
wow. i love windows vista. no, seriously.
me, being stupid me decided that "hey! i don't have to bring my notebook charger home"
& then me, being careless me decided that " hey! let me do finish ALL my work & not click save throughout the entire process till i really completed it"
hohohoh, guess what happens? The Almighty one came up with a plan!
so... POOF! there goes my notebook battery.
POOF POOF POOF! there goes my work!
Seriously, if there is only ONE single thing i learnt in my 3 year studies in mass comm, it is to constantly go to the diskette icon and click on it. like CONSTANTLY. maybe every 3 letters typed cause you really don't want to go through all that shit again.
but there i am, being so confident that i complete it in time & i really have NO IDEA why i didn't save throughout, sitting there not practicing what i've learnt.
Called the boyfriend immediately but i ended up having a little tiff with him instead. i feel so bad cause when he was reminding me about the importance of saving my work, i felt as if he was reprimanding me & i got annoyed. boy, my temper is getting very bad. this cannot work. i must attend anger management courses and also "THE IMPORTANCE OF BRINGING CHARGER HOME & AT THE SAME TIME LEARN HOW TO SAVE YOUR WORK" course again.
my very kind boyfriend still gave me suggestions. he told me to try completing the bottom half of my work so i won't have to rush too much when i go to work in the morning. did it till after midnight while trying to send Timothy my photos which in the end, both of us gave up cause my old Acer notebook really cannot make it lah!
& so the story ends like this,
I came to office slightly earlier and immediately went straight to my notebook charger & guess what!
EVERYTHING WAS STILL INTACT. LIKE SERIOUSLY. even the websites that i went to!!!
Ain't it cool! i felt like a drug addict getting free marijuana during his/her cold turkey process. I felt relieved, unusually happy and relaxed! :D
Thank you vista!!!! <3<3<3
(actually i have no idea if it was vista, or the notebook. oh well, it is a HP one. thank you HP too!)
ps: Almighty one? you there? I learnt my lesson already! please don't punish me anymore!