(no subject)

Apr 03, 2008 14:59

tired. been a few days since i last updated.

finally free from work so i abstained myself from the computer too!

met up with bear and cher at night for supper but cher left early so bear & i decided to go spin around in his car.

realised bear is the KING OF U-TURNS. we kept u-turning the whole night & i couldn't stop laughing. we travelled all the way to holland, queensway and back to zion road then to orchard. finally he decided we should go orchard towers to explore & just sit around and watch ladies get picked up. we spent like a good 20 mins around orchard just trying to get to orchard towers cause the "GOOD" driver kept turning to the wrong place!!

finally got to sit and watch the whole orchard towers scene. I WAS SO AMAZED BY IT. ladies picking up guys and vice-versa. WOOHOO! so we made fun of some people and decided we should find a macdonalds' to sit & rot. Drove all the way to serene centre for MACCCSSS & we had a heart to heart talk. talked about everything under the sun, like the past.

suddenly i felt as if we were back to pri 6 - lower sec period where we will just meet & talk the whole day. He told me some stuff that made me very touched. thanks bear. really enjoy hanging out with you! :D

rrriiiggghht, so we left serene centre and tried to look for a U-turn sign again. WE NEARLY WENT UP TO AYE!! ROAR WITH LAUGHTER PLEASE.

GOING TO MEET UP WITH THEM AGAIN! gonna get ready soon. im so lazy cause i slept so little. =X the boyfriend havent even woke up yet!!! @#$#@ hee love you lahh.


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