The Friday Five

Sep 08, 2006 09:05

This, really, is time I should be spending writing haiku for The Friday Haiku, but what the hell?
Anyways, I joined a new community, the Friday Five. Every week five questions get posed, and you have to answer them in your journal:

1. If you could pick your own theme song, what would it be?
The Theme From Shaft by non-crazy Isaac Hayes

2. Now be honest...if others had to pick a song that described you, what would they choose?
Heterosexual Man, by the Odds

3. What song would be/was the first dance at your wedding?
Tomorrow Starts Today, by Econoline Crush

4. What song gets stuck in your head most often?
That, honestly, changes from week to week ... the last one to get stuck there was Careless Whisper, of all things.

5. What song would you want played at your funeral?
Moving On Up (the theme song from The Jeffersons)

friday five

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