Sep 02, 2008 23:23
We finished moving on Saturday, and it is SO nice to sleep somewhere that doesn't reek of cat piss! It's gonna be a huge relief not to have to worry about how we're gonna come up with the money for gas for commuting as well.
Had a cookout Monday with Dave's mom...I handled the grilling. Yes, I actually managed to not burn the place down or give anyone food poisoning. Be amazed! I certainly am.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get a better idea this week of precisely when I'll be gradjamating...for those of you in Chucktown and the 'Ville, y'all better be prepared to come to my graduation party in December. 'Twill be an oyster roast at my parents' house in West Ashtray; I will keep you guys updated as planning takes place. I should note that there will be no flinging of people into the creek or the river, as it will be a bit too chilly for that.
Now that we're back in a comfortable, lower-stress living arrangement, I'm a much happier camper.
Zomg, I am SO effing ready to be done with school. You have no freaking idea. I just want the next three months or so to pass in a hurry so I can move on with my life already.
I actually have a real, honest-to-Odin client appointment booked next week, so that's exciting. Hooray, moneys! I will be able to buy gas! Now, if only people would tip in the damn school clinic, perhaps I could buy groceries. That would be awesome, dude. I love pasta, but I'm getting kind of tired of eating it every damn day.
I am continuing to lose weight, hooray for me! Only another 15 to 17 lbs to go before I'm back down to where I wanna be...although honestly, I'm approaching this more from the getting-into-better-shape idea than the zomg-I-want-to-be-a-twig school of thought. Because, y'know, I don't actually want to be a twig. I like having boobs and an ass, thankyouverymuch.
No real big excitement, other than finding some funny photos stashed in our stuff down in the basement. I'll continue posting 'em as I go through 'em. In the mean time, you can all laugh at the picture of me in the hoop skirt.
And no, I will not be posting my school pictures from junior year of high school. Nobody needs to see them; they are horrendously bad. :D I should never have bleached my hair blonde