Sep 04, 2007 18:34
The commercials make some people laugh, but must people, like I, think they are plain stupid.
In these Mac computer commercials, a young, hip-looking guy portrays a Mac computer, and makes fun of the nerdy, uncoordinated, portly fellow portraying a PC. The Mac guy alludes that the PC is not as fun and versatile as he is. The PC guy acts like he's generally lost and confused as he tries to argue the Mac that he is, in fact, fun and versatile too.
In the UK, the same Mac commercials run but with different, British actors instead of the American actors in the US ads. Even here, the PC guy is the slow, dopey one, while the Mac guy is quick-thinking, witty, and funny.
The major question here is what is the point of these commercials? Why does Mac need to sell their product by slinging mud at the competition? Why can't we all just get along?
There are basically two types of people who go out wishing to purchase a computer: the high-end users who know more about computers than their university Computer Science professors, and those who know very little about computers, but already have an idea of exactly which computer they want.
In both cases, most people already have pre-conceived notions about Macs or PCs that will affect which type of computer they eventually purchase. Experience or hearsay can both be factors in these notions. Yes, hearsay is an important factor. "People have told me that Macs suck" can be as effective a deterrent to a particular type of computer as is "I've used one before, and didn't like using it."
I belong in the latter category. I was forced to use a Mac computer back in my first year of university, in an Introduction to Computing class. I was used to PC's for a few years, which probably made my experience with a Mac all the more awkward. I found the mouse awkward to use, as well as the keyboards difficult to type on. I didn't like the windows that the programs opened onto. On an unrelated note, I found the Mac lab in the MC building at the University of Waterloo where I took the course very tacky, the male lab instructor very strange, and the course went from disgustingly easy (how to click a mouse) to disgustingly hard (programming an entire Who Wants to Be a Millionaire game).
I loved it when I found out how to open a Windows terminal for my account through the Mac, and that somehow made using the Mac a bit more bearable. However, I personally think that I would never buy a Mac; not know, not ever. And I know that some commercial that tries to say that I use a dumb machine or that I am a dumb user for having a PC will not convince me to change over to the dark side. I wouldn't think too many Mac users would jump back to PC's if they were made to feel dumb in a commercial.
Truth be told, people are going to be loyal to the type of computer they are most comfortable with, and aren't going to make any hasty decisions on switching to a totally different computing environment. This begs the question why have these dumb advertisements then?
The answer is simple. Let's just get along, and use advertising space and time to promote their own products and services to their own users.
After all, everyone knows you're a right nitwit to use a Mac anyway.