I'll take part in the Content Strike Friday March 21, from midnight to midnight GMT.
Have a look at
beckyzoole 's journal for this and for more information:
Why is there a Content Strike on Friday March 21, from midnight to midnight GMT
We are holding the Content Strike because we want to demonstrate that LiveJournal is content-driven.
We are holding the Content Strike because we want the new owners of LiveJournal to better understand the power and resolve of the LJ Community of Users.
We are holding the Content Strike because all of us, Paid, Permanent and Plus users as well as Basic, want to demonstrate our solidarity as a Community of Users. We do not consider Basic users to be freeloaders, we consider them to be valuable content-providers and Friends.
We are holding the Content Strike because we ache to do something to show our displeasure, and commenting on the news post -- even with cat macros -- just isn't powerful enough!
beckyzoole will be emailing and snail-mailing SUP that the strike has four terms:
1. Restore basic accounts for new account creation.
2. Inform users before any change to the site that affects how we use the site or demands on our resources.
3. Run change proposals by the Advisory Board and take their advice into account before implementation of any change.
4. Homophobia, misogyny, and racism must not be a part of the decision making processes about appropriate content of the site, including what user interests are deemed appropriate.
NOTE: I'm aware that there may be good business decisions for eliminating Basic accounts. If Basic accounts are to be eliminated, though, that action should be taken only after approval of the Advisory Board and consultation with the LJ Community of Users.
ETA: Credit and thanks due to
lavendertook for the wording of the terms, with which I am in full agreement.