Jul 07, 2006 05:20
So... abouts (intentional colloquial plural) a week ago, my roomie comes to me and says, "I gots fired and I'm moving to The City Of Angels." Heavy shit, kinda. "Alrighty." I says to myself. It's just about rentness time and I pack up my money orders into my little envelope thing and wander down the street towards the Landy Lord, thinkin all the while "where the fuck am I going to get another good roommate?" Good Roomates are hard to come by. I had to outsource to california to get this one for Ghod's sake. Well I walked down the street and there was this, like, 7 foot tall scrawny guy talking in a cell phone and he just looked wierd and fascinating, then I realized there were people in front of me and had to slow down or walk around and neither seemed preferable. And poof, I was there, at the big blue mail box thing I paid all my bills at. I opened the little hatch and threw the envelope in and.... then..... shuddered......... in........... horrror.
I had been distracted, I usually mailed letters at this mail box. Rent, however was dropped in the landlord's mail slot. No address necessary, no stamp necessary. I thrust my hand back towards the handle as the mailbox was closing but my muscles moved too slow. My rent ($1700 only 1/3rd my own), in money order form, was lost in a blue box that was built with the notion that others might try to break into it.
This is the stupidest (financially (the OD only cost me $320)) thing I've ever done, I'm not proud of it. It's just fact. I only had one glass of wine with some co-workers that night. There was no reason for this other than my complete distraction and idiocy. So I went home and paced around a bit. I broke my wine bottle (in which I keep my savings) and found $1650, so I could pay rent the next day if I withdrew a bit from my bank account, and did so.
It was a holiday weekend so the mail wouldn't be picked up for a little bit, I got forms to stop payment on the money orders and filled them all out, making sure I took notes down at every level. I was about to mail the stop payment forms out when I realized I had forgotten to photocopy 1 piece of important documentation last night. I paused and said, "what could one day matter." and set my alarm for 2pm (early for me).
At 1:30pm I received a curious message from my landlord "Hi Guys, it's Effie, I was just wondering if anything weird happened with your rent because I know you already paid it but Don gave us another envelope and, you know, I set it aside, just kind of wondering..."
It turns out the mail man knew where the rent from a certain address should end up and, out of good intention, delivered it.
This sucks in one way: I had been creating an image for my landlord that I am very businesslike and professional and NEVER MAKE MISTAKES. So now there's no way I can back out of that one, I just have to admit that I put our rent into a mail box without an address or postage.
But on the other hand, humanity is good. People watch out for each other here and things work out.
I am a complete dork.