and i have a laptop that's even skinnier then steve jobs! but i have to pay for internet, which makes me really appreciate my dopey, non-encoding neighbour. and i'm in san francisco, pretending to be kerouac by getting very drunk. i'm a literary purist.
the best fannish things about xmas
a) yuletide! for which i will list recs as soon as i've finished reading everything! seriously, even if you don't participate, or don't usually read fic,
check it out.b) dr horrible dvd, which has contributed to my amazon relapse. i've been wandering around singing brand new day and writing head fic about the groupies ("we do the weird stuff!"). curse you, joss wheadon, for being so catchy!
dr who christmas special, exactly as bizzare and schmaltzy and timey wimey as i expected, which was awesome.
d) discovering what might be
the greatest watchmen fic ever. at all. no contest.
let me explain: i read watchmen last year, on the behest of a comic book geek friend (hi johnno!) and thought it was incredible. the war and peace of graphic novels. insupperable and incredible. i didn't even think to look for fic, because as incredible as it was, reading watchmen isn't an experience i'd like to repeat. it is not a pleasant book. you don't really like the characters, there are no fun moments. and shipping? yeah, it kind of defies it. slashing is, in some ways, in-built, and in others, impossible. impossible especially (apparently) in the black and white face of Rorschach. Sexually and emotionally frozen, psychotic, isolated, insulated, never compromising Rorschach just didn't scream of ZOMGHAWTSECKS potential the way, say, Wolverine does. then i stumbled across i_am_your_spy and her perfectly believable, perfectly disturbing, perfectly characterised, amazingly hot AU. she needs an award and a pony and a cookie and a fandom of her own for this beautiful, lyrical, sprawling work of art. right now, go, read. you'll thank me.
and if it depresses you, recover with
this. i actually laughed so hard i was crying, which is impressive considering the abuse of ms paint.