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roachpatrol December 18 2010, 03:15:41 UTC
I keep getting excited every time I see a new hero movie come out-- and then completely crushed, as time after time it's blatantly obvious that they're being made by men, for men, and women had better shut the hell up and resign themselves to being the love interest prize. Ocassionaly there's even some racism and homophobia thrown in to ice the whole disaster! When I saw the Green Hornet I was like 'Heavily accented chinaman plays butt-monkey to rich, bumbling, well-meaning white guy? Really, Movie Made in 2011? Really?'

But like yeah, if I could have a Hero Movie made with sensitivity and taste, I would track down everyone involved and give them a piece of my soul or something.


theonlytwin December 18 2010, 10:37:46 UTC
oh god. i've given up on finding a hero movie that treats women as equals. the male gaze is just something i've come to take for granted, which is sad in and of itself.


roachpatrol December 18 2010, 17:38:12 UTC
I know, right? I still think it must be possible to work with the male gaze though, like 'this space captain/ lady superhero / president / barista is pretty, guys!' instead of the constant 'these breasts are piloting a helicopter and will fuck you if you defeat the bad guys hard enough'.

That being said, in action movies, pretty often the men are paper-thin conglomerations of violence and stubble, so like, it's equal opportunity stereotyping.

Which is not so much of an improvement.


roachpatrol December 18 2010, 17:41:05 UTC
Though speaking of improvement, it's interesting to note that while the perfect Hero's Lady Object used to be the damsel to be saved, now she's the hard-bitten gun-toting snarky action-grrl (to be saved and/or taught how to love again). At least we've managed to convince men that female competence is really hot, to a point.


theonlytwin December 18 2010, 18:36:30 UTC
you do have female characters (more often in tv than movies, for some reason) who are capable, but they very rarely work alone or are the focus of the story. yes female competence is hot, but it's still a narrow perimeter of hotness. drunk men are a little pathetic but still manly, drunk women are nearly unheard of. these women are rarely apparently older than 30, but men can be any age, it just makes them distinguished. it goes on


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