
Sep 08, 2010 21:20

→ Reply to this post with the words SAVE THE WHALES, AND ALSO THE MONGOOSE/MONGEESE/MONGOOSI/MONGOOSES? and I will pick six of your icons.
→ Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
→ Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
→ This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

randombattlecry picked mine

This is one I made, which is why it is so shoddy. But You know what else it is? Kittens. And Howard Moon, with whom I have far too much in common. And very British advice.

Both from the madsome Pros Arch of which I have seen several tantalising hints. The first is adressed to one of my favourite characters in the work, Chekov, a socially awkward and slightly sociopathic OCD suffering assassin (sort of) (and by the way he totally does kill someone with the power of his angst), the second is said by one of my favourite characters in the entire world, Brecht, a sexy lady badass government agent (sort of) with tentacles and a bowler hat. Why yes, they are named after playwrights. Nearly all the characters are. Code names. Pros Arch, you guys. Tell your friends.

OT3 OT3 OT3. I rest my case.

I know with my brain that this is a set photograph and someone is fussing with Tate's dress just out of shot and Tennant is totally holding a cup of tea and never canonically wore aviators, BUT MY HEART KNOWS THEY ARE LOOKING AT SPACE VEGAS. Which is a floating city, obv. Donna is trying to work out how they'll get up there and the Doctor is nursing a reverse hangover. Interestingly, not my favourite Doctor (Nine, or maybe Eleven now?) or my favourite companion (Ace, and what the fuck happened to her anyway?) but my favourite Doctor/companion combo. Something about the brother/sister squabbling makes me so happy.

I think I discovered XKCD through someone else's lj icon? And now I must share and share alike?

meme, iconz

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