Did that thing where I was aiming for a crack mix and ended up taking myself very seriously. Again.

Apr 29, 2010 01:19

And this one is ALL orangesparks' FAULT. I mean really, a Re-Animator AU OT3, where the screaming naked love interest gets some characterisation, agency and revenge? With Herbert West! How was I supposed to not do something in return?

A handful of things that never happened to Meg Halsey.I love what she did with zombie!Meg and broken!Dan and addict!West and ( Read more... )

re-animator, music, imma pirate, recs

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Comments 3

darchildre April 30 2010, 17:16:04 UTC
Both this mix and the fic it's based on are awesome and my day has improved exponentially by being exposed to them. So thank you for that. 8)


theonlytwin April 30 2010, 22:27:31 UTC
:D you're welcome


sang_dencre May 1 2010, 23:18:24 UTC
Awesome mix. :)


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