No, but, really.
The first 15 minutes follow the tea boy around! With good cinematography and song choices and everything! Daniel (the lion tamer), you best be turning up in season three, like everyone turns up eventually. (TULLY YOU WERE SLEAZY AND HAIRY BUT YOU CARED. THAT'S, WELL, THAT'S NOT ENOUGH BUT IT'S SOMETHING. I think Tully is the only person in this entire show who achieves anything like redemption. Am I wrong?)
Awesome death for creepy science dude, but sort of blah characterisation? I think I remember early on he was hesitant about the killings, but that may be a hallucination. He absolutley could have been less Frank-Herbet-Smith-evil (in Dune, the bad guys are deviants or perverts or both).
Lucy, you were confused and weak and faulty and very well characterised. As long as you remember how much she's lying to herself, everything she says makes sense.
Kemp's psychosis was a bit of a steep curve? The tragedy of the eight episode season, much like the speed of the Lucy/Mitchell trainwreck.
George is so torn by being a good man and I love it. His "I love you"-"shut up" with Annie and laying it out for Nina and even maybe trying for a moment to cut out Mitchell because he needs to protect Annie and Nina which is sort of a bitch move but I don't even care. Because he is George and makes mistakes but not when it counts.
Nina might actually have topped Tully for redemption, not so much for her Inch High Private Eye gig (I LOVE YOU SHOW. SO MUCH.) but her motive development. Her refusal to be a victim. Her kitchen speech was not as fun as Mitchell's god speech, but they were both awesome and ridiculous and why I LOVE YOU SHOW.
Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell almost every thing you do is charming, even the moping. And the turning from scary killer monster to sad angry guy covered in blood, punchin a wall and swearing and vrying because you've lost someone and fucked up.
Oh Annie. Your hair is less fabulous in the afterlife, and that saddens me. I was actually a bit scared because I couldn't remember whether there was a third season or not and I didn't even want to contemplate the lamey fixits that would arise and also I love Annie. BEST HELL EVER. Dante, you have never been to the RTA or tried to file documents in the Supreme Court or applied for a passport. I look forward to seeing it, because my visual is George, Mitchell and Annie all holding hands running arounf that trippy filing cabinet room from Brazil. Which would be awesome.
In conclusion: AHHHHHHHHHH. If you haven't been watching you're a stupid stupid idiot and I hate your stupid face.