I'm tired, I can't sleep, and all I can think of is how screwed we are...
Jon Stewart said it best tonite - the people that were truly effected most by Sept 11th, NY and DC, both went more than 80% Kerry. BOTH. We also have GIANT gay populations (the fruit loop here, and the villiage there), and we aren't bothered by gay marriage BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. Everyone else in the country, who are all evidently in much greater danger of getting blown up by al Qaeda or have a higher propensity for having queers getting married in their back yard, all went Bush. Guess what kids, that means SOMETHING'S FUCKING WRONG!!!
In my own words, I can't understand it... Kerry did it all right... what happened? The saddest thing is that the Republicans (hereby referred to as the big dumbasses) think that this is the greatest invention since sex (really, was sliced bread so fantastic?) and that the country is moving towards great things. Whereas people without their heads up their asses are crying, spending time weeping for the country, and legitamately trying to find wasy out.
We're screwed. More because of the shear question of what does this teach the younger generation? So many people voted that didn't get counted. 250,000 absentee/provisional/democrat ballots were lost in Miami-Dade county Florida... 250,000 by the Postal Service... and all Jeb could say was "Ooops." The generation below mine are all sitting around either asking themselves why should they care, or sitting saying it doesn't matter because the country has become so corrupt that the ballots don't even matter anymore - it's who has family in the right places. Are we Soviet Russia? We can't go to rallies for one candidate to protest him? Fuck that man, fuck that.
And swearing an oath of allegence? As the not-so-great state of New Hampshire's motto says - "Live Free or Die", and that's not living free. If you didn't know, at a rally for bush that Dick Chenney held in either Arizona or New Mexico (can't remember), attendees were asked to sign an oath of allegence to Bush or were told they could not attend. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? The original intention of these things were to sway the vote of those whom were undecided, not to get together like it was a freakin' clan meeting. What's next, after the party we'll go burn a cross or something? Fuck you.
And since this is going to get me on a "watch list" because of the ever-so-wonderful Patriot Act, I'm really glad that I could witness this campaign from the nation's capital.
In other news, it was Rory's birthday today, so he's now 22... fun.
How screwed are we? Answer - TOTALLY