Aug 01, 2005 16:28
1st- Geometry with Ms. Turner! (im happy about this one)
2nd- Amer History With Nelson (kool)
3rd- English 3 with Marello (jeremy had her)
4th- Marine Sc 1 with Jones (i dont know who that is but i wanted to teacher jeremy had)
5th- i dont know yet- im taking world history online and that would be my 5th because ms. rigby gave me a I for that class so i have to take the second semester over but i think i might have interior design
6th- Early child 1 - Ellis (I wanted covey)
7th- Spanish 2 with Chapman (I wanted Ms. MArshell Claude)
yep yep those are my classes!
and i probably dont have one with my friends. lol like always