The Immortal Flower [R/K drabble(?) fic]

Jan 10, 2011 01:28

Title: The Immortal Flower
Word Count: 408
Prompt: Flowers
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Rating: PG?
Characters/Pairings: Richard/Kahlan
Summary: Richard has a surprise for Kahlan, after the beautiful scenery is revealed, Richard let's her in on yet another surprise as he compares her to a rose.
Author's note: Never wrote fluff before definitely not pure fluff *iz usually angsty* so this is an accomplishment lol :D Made for confessorlove  I hope you like it Twin!


He led her out into a beautiful field; a blanket of flowers emitting colourful emotions throughout the land.

“It’s beautiful!” she said to him when he revealed his surprise to her.

“It is. But it does not compare to your beauty” Richard said, smiling as he stared deep into her eyes.

Kahlan blushed, “I love you Richard”.

“And I love you,” he closed the space between them, “my Beauty Queen”.

Her cheeks reddened with embarrassment “Richard, I am not a Beauty Queen”.

“You are the most beautiful woman on this earth,” he held a rose up to her lips and whispered “you see this rose, how vibrantly red it is?” Kahlan hummed a sweet response that told him ‘yes’. “One day, this rose won’t be so red anymore, it will wilt and die.”

Kahlan was clearly displeased with the reminder of this simple fact of life, as her lips turned to frown.

“Your beauty surpasses that of this rose, everything you are is brighter and much more desirable than this delicate, yet dangerous little flower. This rose makes me think of you.” He smiled.

“Are you trying to tell me that I will ‘wilt’ as I age?” she said, hands on her hips. “That one day I won’t be so attractive to you?”

He shook his head, chuckling softly. “Let me finish.”

She frowned, “go ahead”.

“You are just like this flower. You are the same, however, unlike the rose you will never wilt. You are the immortal rose, and therefore, you are my Beauty Queen” he explained, his eyes portraying an undying love for her, his voice sharing a promise of forever.

Kahlan’s heart fluttered, his words touched her so deeply that she couldn’t find any words worth speaking.

Richard wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Their eyes locked as their hearts pounded within their chests.

He was irresistible, and at this moment, even more perfect than usual. “If I am your ‘Beauty Queen’,” she whispered, “then you are my king.”

With that, he brought his lips to meet hers. Her lips were sweet and juicy.

His lips were tender and magnetic.

And overall, their kiss was love. The immortal flower had her love, and this one kiss empowered them both, as her immortality split, landing in his heart, which belonged to her. Together, they truly were immortal. Love is the only true immortality, and they have mastered its soulful strength.

character: richard cypher, fandom: legend of the seeker, character: kahlan amnell, fanfiction: legend of the seeker, pairing: richard/kahlan

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