Unique Xover Pairings ^_^

Oct 04, 2011 22:41

Six unique crossover pairings. For xoverland
Mind you, I missed the deadline because my internet wasn't working, but whatever >__>
I hope you like them ;)


Fandoms: Day Break/Castle
Victoria Pratt and Victor Webster are just so perfect together, the chemistry is beautiful, I absolutely loved them as Shal/Bren in Mutant X. Also, Andrea/Josh would mesh together perfectly, because I love Josh but not with Kate, so bring in Andrea...and problem solved ;)


Fandoms: Packed to the Rafters/Hart of Dixie
You could blame RP for this....*they are Lucy/Kevin in our future!LotSRPG* But I'd say that the characters themselves would be great together. Also they look really good together ^__^


Fandoms: Gilmore Girls/Heartland
again blame RP for this one. They look really good together, IMO.


Fandoms: Legend of the Seeker/Robin Hood
Oh come on, you knew you would see this pairing. I love these two more than I should :P The contrast between the characters is amazing. And no matter how different they may seem, I feel like inside, they are both just two incredible women, looking for freedom from their own selves. They compliment each other well. And not to mention, in my mind, "Marian" becomes "Dennee" and therefore she and Denna are "DENNEA" ;)


Fandoms: Legend of the Seeker/Xena: Warrior Princess
Craig and Lucy have been in a few projects together, but never as a couple (as far as I know)...they are both very gorgeous people, and together, they would be beyond amazing. *__* Darken and his conflicting sides of good and evil bode well with Xena's struggles between good and evil, these two characters as a couple...it's a must.


Fandoms: Legend of the Seeker/Robin Hood
Dennee and Robin would be stunning together, like Marian, Dennee is a very strong independent woman, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't appreciate the loving touch of Mr. Hood ;) Also, did you notice how Denna and Robin switched partners in this picspam? lol

actor: jonas armstrong, character: xena, actor: rachel bilson, graphic: picspam, character: lady marian, fandom: robin hood, fandom: gilmore girls, fandom: xena: warrior princess, fandom: packed to the rafters, actor: jessica marais, character: darken rahl, character: ty borden, character: zoe hart, character: josh davidson, pairing: darken/xena, character: denna, actor: hugh sheridan, fandom: day break, actor: lucy griffiths, fandom: hart of dixie, fandom: legend of the seeker, character: ben rafter, pairing: robin/dennee, actor: gina holden, crossover, pairing: denna/marian, pairing: ben/zoe, character: rory gilmore, pairing: andrea/josh, character: robin hood, actor: victor webster, character: dennee amnell, fandom: heartland, landcomm: xoverland, pairing: dennea, pairing: rory/ty, actor: victoria pratt, actor: alexis bledel, character: andrea battle

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