OK so I made this graphic because of the Cracky Legend of the Seeker Facebook RP I'm in... I mean after the passionate kiss(es) Dennee freaked out and well it was epic drama and I loved it!! And the fight afterwards totes inspired me to make this!! Like OMG I LOVE IT!! And I have become a HUGE Shipper of Dennee/Robin even tho they don't exist LMSAO and btw I plan on making a fanfic soon about them so u will totes understand the whole story when that happens! Oh and in case u didn't already know... Dennee has a new body (Lucy Griffiths AKA Marian from Robin Hood) and it all just wrapped up nicely because Dennee needed a new mate and she found Robin and a bunch of stuff happened and umm yeah so anyways this is Dennee/Robin or Robin/Marian but its supposed to be D/R not M/R but whatev LOL
Click the link below to see the pic Or
click here for full size version & let me know what you think!!!