Definitely Not Good News

May 30, 2024 11:50

Rather than contact people individually, they emailed the cast list to everyone who auditioned. My name wasn't on it.

Kevin got in. He wasn't a character though. He was part of one of the choruses.

He decided not to accept the role. He didn't want to be in this play that meant so much to him, watching other people play the roles he can play and has played. Plus it's not as much fun if I'm not in it with him. He isn't sure he made the right choice. He's afraid it will give him a bad reputation. I pointed out he has worked with enough theater groups - groups far more prestigious than this one - and enough directors for people to know he has a good worth ethic and isn't a divo. He is still afraid word will get around that he thinks he was too good to be in the chorus of an Artistree show.

The fact that he regrets dropping out of the show more because of what people will think of him and less because he's afraid he will be missing out on having a good time is exactly why he did the right thing in dropping out.

So it's a quiet summer for me. I'm sitting here waiting until I have clearance from the doctor to be able to ride again. I'm waiting for vacation to start. I'm just taking life one day at at a time and riding that wave of uncertainty.
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