Hi everyone!!
...Umm this is supposed to be my first entry ~
but I don't know what to write....
Yesterday Beautiful World was out!!!
I made fanvid for -虹のカケラ~no rain, no rainbow~
it's such beautiful song ^^
I couldn't resist working on it first!!!
so here it is
MQ HQ Soft Sub HQ It is the same sub for MQ just change the name^^
pass for all : noarashinorainbow
i'd like to thank ♥ yarukizero ♥ for the English lyrics
P.S: this is my first fanvid ever so forgive me if it wasn't that good m(_._)m
warning !! 60% of the video is full of Oh-chan because he's such cute creature <33
please comment if taking and tell me what you think ♥♥♥♥♥