Stuff and junk

Aug 14, 2007 16:43

Man, I haven't done a "real" update in awhile. So, what the hell has been going on with me?

Well, the past 2 weeks have seen me working with some staff from the Tacoma News Tribune on an article about Parkour. They came to one of the Titlow Park runs as well as a jam down in Olympia. Hopefully the article will turn out well ^_^

Speaking of Parkour, that jam in Olympia was pretty awesome. I played Parkour tag for the first time, and damn, that kicked my ass. I'm going to have to play that more. Good for the lungs, and to develop flow.

Also got in the new printing of the WA PK shirts.

Been testing the CTF rules for Heroscape more with urielgodfire and wooko. Here's the previous post with the rules we used. We've played 2 sessions so far, for the same game. Last night we called it with no winner. I think part of the reason we stalemated was army purposing; neither of our armies were offensive enough to get the flag out of the castle even though we both got figs in each other's castle a few times, but we were both able to defend pretty effectively. One change we're planning on testing is to change respawning from after movement to after attacking. I'm also considering a rule where either a card can't respawn figs if the card isn't full or if any figs of the type found on the card are still on the board (I'm not sure how badly that would mess up someone using more than one of the same common squad though). The former I think would be the next to test, with one of the sides having more than one of the same common squad, so we can test if the 2nd version of the rule is more balanced.

Watched disc 3 of Solty Rei last night. I have to admit, the show pulled something I really didn't think it had the guts too. I've been considering it mostly a fun action adventure with some basic twists, but then they go way farther than I had ever expected the series to go. I don't want to spoil it, but... it's a hell of a thing to happen right in the middle of the series.

Finished reading Vol 2 of the Bendis run of Sam and Twitch. Man, reading that made me think, "Bendis should stop whatever the fuck he's doing right now and just get back to writing awesome crime comics." Though I think some of my excitement was ignited by the fact that Jinx showed up in the 2nd story arc in the TPB. That was just effin' awesome. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should read both Bendis's Sam and Twitch as well as Jinx. Good stuff. He basically made me a fan of the crime genre of comics overnight. Oh, I guess Powers is supposed to be pretty good, too =PP

Well, that's all I have time to type right now, maybe I'll get around to updating more frequently again XD

heroscape, comics, anime, parkour

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