Weekend go splat! =P

Jun 07, 2004 00:07

Thurs: Sasha came over to train. It was good to work out with him again, I hope he can get back into classes with John soon. We hooked up for dinner later on after we got cleaned up. We spent about 4 hours just hangin'. I really enjoyed that. We had a really good time and had some good conversation ^_^

Fri: fugli, islandergirlro and I went to see Zaitoichi and Natural City.

I enjoyed Zaitoichi quite a bit, even though I have my complaints about it. Overall it was a pretty enjoyable film. I haven't seen many of the original Zaitoichi series, but it pretty well followed the formula from what I've seen. I do wonder why they chose to use so much CG for the swordfighting. It was a lil' weird to me. The Japanese Stomp at the end was pretty entertaining too ^_~ Well, there we actually lil' bits intersparsed in the movie too. They were neat, but were kinda random and wedged in ^^;;

Natural City was pretty mediorce, to be honest. Pretty generic sci-fi action/drama. In all fairness, I was a bit tired and hungry during that one, so maybe that influenced my ability to enjoy it some, but... I don't think that made *too* much difference :/

After the movies, we locomoted over to The Hurricane for eats. Pretty good place. In comparison to Beth's, I do appreciate the fact that they do 4 egg omelettes, which is just perfect for me, I think.

Sat: I was dumb and didn't go to sleep on time =P I didn't get home until 2a either, but that was expected from Fri's activities. I still managed to get to class just about on time (actually, I might have even had 5 min to spare, I think I walked in just as the previous class was ending ^_^). Class was good. It kicked my ass right well ^_^ After that I headed down to Tacoma to get everything organized for the sammich party. I was sorry to hear a few of you had to drop out, but don't worry, there'll be at least one more this summer ^_^ I'm thinking sometime in August. I'll let you all know as soon as I can. Actually, let me know if there are any bad weekends for you in August. I'm going to PAX on the last weekend in August, so our choices are 8/7, 8/14 and 8/21. Mebbe I'll be cool and put in a poll at the end of this post ^_~

The sammich party went well. I forgot to take pics this time, but oh well ^_^ I need more of you to show up and help me drink the beer; there's too much left over each time =P Sure, mebbe that means I should actually buy less, but I also try to buy variety so I can get something for everyone. *shrugs*

Sun: Since I didn't get home until around 3a, and was stupid and didn't go to sleep right away, I slept till around noonish, though I was in and out of sleep from 8a >< That was pretty ass. I think the soreness of my body from the butt-kicking workout on Sat wasn't letting me sleep or something :/ ah well. I got out of bed around noon-thirty, stretched out some and did a lil' yoga to relieve the soreness. Around 2p I headed out to Parkland to see if anyone showed up for the class I teach. No one did, so I decided to drop by the Cafe for a lil' visit. Seems like things are trying to get back to mostly normal. After that I dropped by Table Top Games to pick up a few games. I snagged the expansion for Battle of the Bands, Cannibal Pygmies in the Jungle of Doom and the Kings and Scouts expansion for Carcasonne. I managed to score the Battle of the Bands expansion for free, since the owner rang me up and he remembered the copy that was in the case was his promo copy from GAMA. ラッキ! After that I went home to play DDR for an hour and lift for 2. Boy am I worn the hell out. Alan came over after I was done and we chilled and he gave me some movies and shumps to check out. Now I'm chillin' out and watching Para Para Sakura. It's a pretty basic and average love comedy w/ some slight action elements. The biggest novelty to the movie is the dancing sprinkled throughout. The excuse is that the main character is a dance instructor, and he also does a boxercising type martial arts dance class, so that's the excuse for him to be able to beat guys up in the movie =P Not super impressive, but a fun watch. I think any love comedies I watch for a while will just be overshadowed by Turn Left, Turn Right ^_~ Maaaaan, I want to watch it again right now... *sighs and swoons* it's such a touching movie... there I go into swoony bitch mode again =PPP anyways, bedtime soon ^_^


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