what we learned in sunday school today

Dec 20, 2008 22:53

if i may say so

God hates shrimp, prawns and crabs (Leviticus 11:9-12)
God hates poly-cotton blends and all others ( Leviticus 19:19)
God doesn't hate slavery (Exodus 21:20-21)
God thinks you shouldn't gripe about paying taxes (Matthew 22:17-21)
God approves of killing women and babies/children (Deuteronomy 2:33-34)

Why is God so mean? I'd always grown up under the auspices that God is love. My Godparents (who love me) are called so because they're supposed to love me in the absence of my parents ( as God should)! The bible contradicts itself alot, I'm just getting into reading it over again for myself, and for now I'm sticking to the New Testament, but when flipping through the Old Testament, i think, "Damn, who pissed in God's cornflakes man?" God is always doing some angry violent vengeful things, like....putting a whole tribe in slavery, plaguing kingdoms, turning women into salt for having human doubt, confusing tower builders and so on. God didn't play nice in the OT, I wonder why? if we're taught all the time that God is love, why wasn't he then?? God doesn't change, does he? So why then the stark contrast between the God of 3000 years ago, the God of 2000 years ago and now? After all, wasn't Christ the embodiment of God, and if so, why wasn't he as snarky as his father was?

So many wonderful questions come up on Sunday...I might actually post about life later.

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