Self-esteem ** Yeah, it’s just not there. I’m terribly un-proportioned and envy every fat girl who loves themselves.
The ability to say no ** I’ve gotten better, but I usually can’t say no to volunteering, helping after class, or making stuff for someone. I feel that if I say no, I come off as a total bitch.
Tact ** I have a tendency to offend people a lot because I don’t think before I speak. I have the ‘it sounded good in my head’ problem. I really need to come with a warning.
A good immune system ** I’m almost always in a varying degree of sick. I get perpetual colds that stick around for months. My lungs are for shit. Every time I catch anything it leads to a respiratory infection. I’ve been in the hospital three times for pneumonia and almost died from it twice.
Empathy for other people ** Ok, some stories do make me go ‘AWWWWWWWW!’, but I’m much more likely to cry/feel horrible for an animal that’s been abused than a child that has.
Knowing where your life is going ** I’m the type of person who takes things as they come. I have no idea what I’m going to be doing in the future. That’s not to say that there aren’t things I’d love to do, I just don’t know at this point. Sometimes I think I’m in the wrong major and it scares me, but I honestly can’t see myself doing anything other than art. The only thing I do know: I’d rather work as a secretary for the rest of my life than teach. I hate that when people learn what my major is, they have to ask what I’m going to do with it. Just…shut up.
Less road-ragey ** I absolutely hate other drivers. The ‘I drive a 4-wheel drive, therefore I can go 60 mph in this blizzard’, ‘OMG it’s drizzling…we’re all gonna die if we don’t go super slow’ or the ‘I’m gonna ride your ass all the way home even though there’s two lanes’ people are the ones I hate the most. I admit to being someone who will slam on their brakes to freak out the person tailgating me, or roll down my window no matter how cold it is to give you the finger. I’m surprised that I haven’t pissed off the wrong person yet.