Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep

Jun 07, 2010 18:36

Back in '02 I had a fling with Something Corporate.  That was also the year that my family was having "problems".  My mom had trouble with finances (ie she spent way more than we had) and drove us into debt.  Somehow she managed to keep all of this away from my dad, until he started asking about their savings account which was no longer there.  So one day while he was at work, she laid all the info out on our table, packed her bags, and took the cats to a hotel.  I went to stay with my grandma.  Every night I fell asleep listening to the SC cd "Leaving Through the Window" on my bulky, old cd player.  I was usually asleep by the third track: I Woke Up in a Car. 

Other than that, I rarely listen to music when I'm intentionally going to go to sleep.

lifepost, 30 day music meme

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