Consonance & Dissonance: Masterpost

May 10, 2012 15:10

Ttitle Consonance & Dissonance
Rating NC-17
Word Count 73,537
Series Summary AU in which Blaine is four years older than Kurt and therefore they never meet at Dalton. Kurt ends up at OSU instead of in NYC, where Blaine is a grad-student-turned-professor, and also the object of Kurt's crushing his sophomore and junior years.
Warnings Lots of sex. In various ways, shapes & forms.
Spoilers This was started after S2 ended, was AU then, and is now wildly AU with how S3 turned out.
Disclaimer Blaine’s college career was based off my own, so while not orthodox, it is possible to have a doctorate in your late twenties in some fields of study. (I burned out after my masters though, oops - I have faith Blaine could stick it out!)
Thanks To ccmskatechick, who I am forever indebted to for many more reasons than I could put down on paper.

Willing To Take The Risk / Not Quite / Expressive Qualities / Neon Lights & Waiting Papers / Interlude
Home Again & Feeling Right / Take A Breath & Listen / Functional Harmony / Epilogue / Spectacles
Everything on AO3 / PDF download

future!klaine, !masterpost, consonance & dissonance, klaine

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