Jan 25, 2004 01:27
Posted: January 25 2004 1:29 am >press return<
I find it a strange coincidence, the way my mind has been working these past few weeks. It is as if I am fixed on an idea, an idea of space... and the story begins.
Posted: January 25 2005 1:30 am >press return<
"Vermilioun Hells", I'm a minute ahead of where i should be... yes my mind has been fixed with space, the future, possibilties, sci-fi, so I am seeing it. I post to you from the future.
Posted: January 25 2006 1:31 am >press return<
How interesting... you guys won't believe some of the comments you will write. Oh before I forget... Andrew, if you come across a tall man in a white top hat asking about Jerry... do not talk to him... immediatly buy a ticket to Brazil and never use your "real name"... trust me.
Posted: January 25 2007 1:32 am >press return<
Facinating the future is. I wish I could show you, however all I can do is warn you. Alan, I don't care how good the sprinkled donut looks, do not eat it! This is a matter of national security.
Posted: January 25 2008 1:33 am >press return<
How fortunate, in the future I have incredible muscles. Oh yes... ALAN why did you insist on eating the donut from the tall man in the white hat... the donut had sedatives in it to make you tell him all he needed to know... well almost all. Andrew you must keep the secret safe.
Posted: January 26 2009 1:34 am >press return<
Today I met my wife for the first time, a fact that she took as strange since to her we've been married for nearly a year. I had to pretend to be ill to explain my ignorance of our relationship. Andrew, the purple cow, there you will find instructions.
Posted: January 27 2010 1:35 am >press return<
I have a son... my wife made me sleep on the couch, when I didn't know his name, or hers. Andrew the tall man with the white top hat will find you, the purple cow is a no go, I repeat the purple cow is a no go.