Mar 18, 2006 17:40
courtesy of stephhh by courtesy of bernieee <3<3
Who is in the house with you? mom, dad, rebeca, her friend?
Who are you thinking about now? her friend..?
Who did you last talk to on the phone? ryan
Who's house did you last go to? ryan
Who's birthday is next? becky?
Who was the last person you told you love them? ryan
Who do you wish you were with right now? alycia
Who's your favorite relative? logan
Who gets on your nerves the most from your school (or work)? *ahem*gag*
Where do you go to school? brother andre.
Where do you live? s-dot
Where is your phone? beside me...cell is in my pocket
Where are your parents? upstairs
Where do you sleep? in a my room:)
Where do you shop the most? shoppers drug mart..?
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? garage
Where did you last take a car ride to? country style
Where in your house/job are you? basementttt
Where did you get this survey? steph bridel
What was the last thing you ate? gold fish
What was the last thing you drank? water
What color pants are you wearing? blue
What kind of cell phone do you have? telus
What is the closest item near you that is blue? pants
What do you like about school/work? the people
What are you wearing on your feet? socks
What instant messaging service do you use? msn
What is your favorite color? black, red, white
What is your most used away message? i dunno
What is your favorite website? psh..? ??
What is your favorite shoe brand? dont have one
What do you wear more, jeans or skirts? jeans
What is the last movie watched? v for vendetta
What do you currently hear? my computer running
Why are you taking this survey? ass fucking bored! fuck!@
Why do you have a Xanga? ummmm i don't ?
Why does basically half the world have a Myspace? who knows
Why did you pick your Myspace user name? i don't have a my space
Why did you take this particular survey? again i was bored
Why is wood brown? cuz it comes from tree trunks, which aare brown
When did everyone become obsessed with Myspace? fuck myspace
When did you start school? when i was 4
When is your birthday? jan 1!
When did you last go to the mall? um..last week
When did you last buy a new pair of pants? like a month or so ago at guess
When did you last burn a candle? 2 nights ago
When did you last take a shower? todayyy