Oct 27, 2005 21:20
this is MY livejournal, i can rant rave and complain about anything and everything i want!..if u dont wanna read it, thats not my problem..y are u so interested in me anyways to be reading it..its kind of an odd interest to have...reading someone elses livejournal and complaining about how u dont like it when u DONT EVEN KNOW THE PERSON! ha well..wutever ur into i guess...but yea basically, whoever "annonymous" was...i hope one day u can relaize how stupid and immature that was, at least if you knew me or anything about me or about what i do and how i deal with things you might have not been so wrong in what you did..but w/e i dont hold grudges that often so seeming as i dont know who you are..i wont hold one..i guess..but yea..ur kinda gay..anywayss...today i bonded with becky at work..we had wicked awesome chats:)<3..mmm yesss yesterday sucked ass..i was sick all day, mentally and physically..so i slept, all day...today was muchhh better:) and tomorrow will be SO GOOD!! xerxes' bday and the white ashley/social code showw...sooo excited:)..so yes..annonymous sucks..becky doesnt, and fridays kick ass..oh and so does the g2:D