Political Update

Jan 07, 2010 15:02

It's been a while since I've made any public political statements so here goes:

I've been getting more and more irritated with the police state that we are living in. It seems that every time something else happens (like a terrorism attempt) our politicians grab the opportunity to tighten the grip of the police state. This seems to be affecting things world wide and moving the world toward a place where there is a great deal of acceptance of tyranny in the name of safety.

The reality is that searching everyone everywhere all the time and randomly doesn't stop things from happening. If the police state cannot keep drugs, weapons, and violence out of the most guarded places like prisons and military bases I think it is clear that this kind of action at airports will not do anything except make it more uncomfortable to fly and push the public closer to accepting unconstitutional searches of their person as ok and normal.

Yes, I consider a full body search at an airport an affront to the constitutional right to be protected from unreasonable search and seizure. If all the government has to do is say that you have to submit to a search to go into a certain location then what is to stop them from deciding that being in a public place of any kind is enough to warrant a search. After all.. you might be carrying something illegal and planning something horrible... Don't you want to be safe? Freedoms and protections are not location based... you aren't supposed to suddenly loose your civil rights because you walk into an airport.

And please don't get me started on the unconstitutional seizure laws that allow the police to confiscate cash and cars in the name of drug enforcement.

Truth is freedom is on the way out. Fight to keep it and you'll likely be named a person of interest and placed on a watch list. It all seems to be turning into something reminiscent of what I was told was so bad about the former Soviet Union. Between the Republicrats and the Demopublicans we'll wind up with no personal freedom at all.

It is time for everyone to only vote 3rd party! End the strangle hold the 2 parties have on us!
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