Bob Barr?

May 25, 2008 18:01

Ok, so as many of you probably know I cast myself as a Libertarian. I've been watching the Libertarian National Convention on C-SPAN this afternoon and they have selected Bob Barr as the Libertarian nominee for President in the 2008 election. I am trying to decide wether or not to continue my support. Bob Barr has a history of voting and being on the wrong side of issues that are important to me. He has supported the war on drugs and has been opposed to any number of personal liberty issues. He has seemed to switch his positions on these things to some degree.

On the whole I think that it may give some voice to some Libertarian issues that are normally ignored and help with ballot access in the future. The problem is that I see the LP being taken over by the disgruntled republicans. Almost like they have decided that this is a route they can use to regain power from their defunct and failing party. I fear for the basis of the party.

I suppose I will stick with supporting the LP as they are still the most aligned with my political inclinations. I'll have to watch closely to see what happens.
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