
Sep 17, 2007 23:12

Tonight I thought I'd go ahead and clean out what I considered my junk drawer in my chest of drawers in my bedroom. There was a lot of junk that I threw away.

The surprising part was the items that represented very specific and signifigant memories in my life that were there. Some more powerful than others but here they are.

1) a tooth pillow - this was the tooth pillow a young girl I knew as a child.. My first crush as a small child.. she gave me after my sister knocked out my two front teeth to use to put them in for the tooth fairy.
2) A pair of binoculars a friend gave me when I stood in his wedding.
3) A few Way of Russ artifacts... the holy bottle, the leather amulet my high priest made me and the program guide from the final Crescent City Con where I was Roasted.
4) A terrible mini instant picture of me and Heather taken by Caroline.
5) Shiney Ball - This is something that Lisa should remember. It's just a rubber ball that blinks when struck that I got from a conference from a job.. it took on special meaning. Seeing it destroyed me tonight. It even still worked.
6) A quartz crystal a friend once gave me.. in fact that represents the first time I was introduced to my friend Sidney.
7) A Hurricane Katrina picture booklet.

These are all cherished possessions... far more valuable to me than.. well.. anything I can think of at the moment. The tears are overwelming. It is a rememberence of a life I once had. It feels like all that is so far away now. Where the future lies I have no idea.

I'm fine.
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