
Oct 17, 2006 20:01

So today I had a realization. I sat back as I drove to work and considered the situation in this country of illegal immigration, the economy, the numbers that say we are at virtually full employment, apparent relatively low inflation for some time... and what should be a thriving population... I mean look at all those $500K neighborhoods popping up everywhere... when did the gravy train leave the station and why was I not on it...

Well... I came to understand the answers and relationships between all of these things.

Our country is increasingly run by large corporations that in conjunction with the government work hard at stripping money from the masses and transferring that wealth to an elite class of people. There are plenty of people still that live in the middle... the area of income where I find myself.... What I make is supposedly pretty good... but the reality is that I cannot afford the giant plasma tv or the $300K much less the $500K houses... or the $50K cars that so many people seem to be riding around in. What am I missing..

Well... first lets look at the relationship between inflation, corporations and immigration. The reality is that the low end of wages in real money (adjusted for inflation) have decreased for a large portion of the population over the past 10 years. I am unsure how far back this stretches but its not just a republican thing... We were on this path back in the Billy C days too. The influx of cheap labor helps to keep the wages of the low end workers down. That makes it so that any non-professional type job will have depressed wages. I'm not talking about a minimum wage.. that is a joke. I'm talking about the competitive wages that companies pay. They conspire (no not in a back room.. they do not need to discuss it.. they all know the score) to keep the illegal immigrants flowing because they understand that will allow then to keep the lowest end of the wage spectrum under control. That helps to make it so that as one moves up in desirable jobs the comparison points make the wages look somehow acceptable... they are able to supplement their workforces with enough immigrants (eat at McD lately? whose cleaning the floors at Target at night? Who built my house?)

This, along with other factors I will soon discuss add up to create a false picture of the economy. Although anyone who wants a job can have one an increasing number of jobs are low paying, low benifit, part time slave wage jobs in retail and the service sectors. This helps allow large companies such as Wal-Mart, Target, and pick and home builder you can find... plus the farmers and others who use this cheap labor to produce their products for lower cost and pass on a portion of that savings to its customer to drive the vendors out of business who aren't on the immigrant bandwagon and the rest to their shareholders. The shareholders think they are getting a good deal because their stock goes up or are sent dividends but they are not considering the vast sums that the Boards of Directors are giving to themselves in the forms of huge profit based bonuses. That huge profit is not trickling down to the employes. It doesn't have too... not as long as there is plenty of new cheap workers on the way. The current employee has no power to demand more because there is always another person to fill their shoes... So what if they dont speak English very well or have to try a couple time to get a passable fake social security card.

So when I look and see how many people are buying all of these expensive toys and cars I realize there are basically two groups doing so... The first group is the elite group who can actually afford the things they buy. The other is a group of increasingly indebted folks with no hope of clawing their way out from under their debt.

This leads me to the notion that we are slowly slipping into a slave nation. What are illegal immigrants other than slaves? They are the corporations favorite kind of slave... you dont even need to pay then enough to survive unless they live in large groups in small and often substandard housing.

When our politicians do nothing about the immigratin problems they are skirting the issue for a few reasons: 1) their financial backers (read large corporations) want the illegal workers 2) They are owners, board members, and the elite who are involved with the corporations... not just republicans but democrats as well 3) Without this source of cheap labor our economy will find itself spinning into a period of very high inflation.... when you don't pay the man on the bottom of the ladder enough to live you get a problem... ask Marie Antoinette... Cake anyone?

Well.. I could go on for hours on this but I think that is enough to get you started thinking about this stuff.. I hope anyway... we need to change how things are done in this country. It is time for a voter revolution.. It is time to let the democrats and republicans know that we are not going to put up with their BS anymore. STOP VOTING FOR THEM!!!! VOTE 3rd party! It is truly our only hope to change the course of things before we spiral down and we follow the Soviet Union in collapse.

Together we stand. Devided we fall. The republican and democratic parties are both about division at this point. We must unite and vote them both out. Now is the time!!!!!
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