Who: William Beckett and Matthew Sanders
What: I don't even know.
Where: Don't know that either
When: Evening time, after everyone is gone
Why: Because you went to make a sandwich like..4 hours ago and I got bored.
shads licks you: The windows behind him revealed a world of black, solid, oppressive, glaring from behind him, sinking through the last remaining fragments of a tattered soul, broken only by the flashes of red and orange that indicated the sprawling city down below. The last file was signed scruffily, then chucked into his outbox, before his broad frame rose itself from his seat, a hand brushing over hazel eyes. By now he would be spent entirely. But he had something to do. Something he was looking forward to. Strolling out, he stripped himself of his jacket, dropping it to a random chair only to perch himself without invitation on the edge of his PA's desk. "Ready, hotstuff?"
Becketts here: William had been trying to make the last half hour flow by faster using various methods. Eventually he'd settled on just randomly surfing the net, he's half engrossed by the time the other man comes by, dark eyes on the screen and therefore he doesn't notice his appearance until the other man is perched on his desk. He looks up, smirk curling his lips, unable to hide his excitement as he all but bounces from his chair, nodding. "Definately." If he stopped to think about it, he might be a little scared too, by the idea or by the other man, and he's half in disbelief of it actually working, but the levels of excitement means he barely even registers anything else.