(no subject)

Dec 16, 2006 17:44

- My name is Mikaela, some people call me Kaela or any other variation of that and thats fine by me.

- I'm 17 and I'm a senior at Abington Heights. It's weird to think about that.

-I have crazy curly hair. Seriously, it's intense.

-I'm Irish and I love being Irish.

-I don't drink and I don't smoke. I'm not going to not talk to you if you do, but it certainly doesn't earn you any cool points with me either.

- I'm on of the 2 Colorgaurd Captains in the marching bad. I looove twirling my flag and if that's a little lame to you I don't care! haha

- I'm all about music. All music. But, I don't play an instrament (not past 8th grade level violin, anyway), but that doesn't stop me from loving music and dancing like a fool!

- However, I do sing in chrous and women's. wooot!

-I'm in the Drama Club, I was set mistress last year(I hope to be this year too) and as of 06-07 I'm the Technical Officer, which makes me the big cheese of tech! I'm pretty pumped about that.

-Real women do tech! hahahah.

- I don't like seafood at all. I'm also a vegetarian, I think meat tastes good but I'm really grossed out by what it is, so I haven't eaten it for over 2 years.

- I like to be healthy. I try to exercise when I can and I try to eat good stuff too. I'm not upset with my weight or how I look now, but I would like to keep things the way they are. I also think being healthy is important, since I don't want to have a heart attack when I'm 40.

- I have a neighborhood filled with memories and friends.

- I hate cancer, particurly lung cancer,and I try my best to be really involved with fighting it because no one should have to know what it's like to lose someone to something so uncontroable.

- I have known lovely Miss Lia Chmil since a few days after she was born! beat that!

- Mexican food = muy delicioso! I think as of now it is my favorite kind of food!

- My all time favorite foods, though, are: rice, pierogies (when me or Dan make them), and cornchips!

- I love my parents very much and they are my friends, if you think that's lame I don't care.

- I have only one sibling, my lovely younger sister Laurelyn and we fight alot, but it never means anything. She's awsome.

- I absolutely adore History. I love to learn and pick up random knowledge that has no purpose besides my own personal satisfaction. I am going to go to college for History Education. My dream is to be that one teriffic teacher that someone remembers for the rest of their lives.

- I want to go to West Chester University more than you understand.

- I like to make my own dresses for dances (by make I mean design and then have my grandma help me sew it).

- Did I mention that I like to dance like a fool? I've got sweeet moves.

- I love my cat. Her name is Artemis and she is 12 and she is wonderful.

- I like to talk over coffee or tea.

- I love wrapping myself up in a blanket and being warm and cozy.

- Autum = absolutely beautiful. It is my favorite time of the year.

- Every now and then I love a girly sleep over.

- I'm big on reading, but even bigger on fan fiction. A little dorky, I know, but I don't care.

- i d0nT lyKe wen ppL tYpe lyKe ths. it aNnoy$ me>, oR maKe$$ mE LaUgHH @ da sto0opidittie.

- I want to see Paris and Ireland before I die. Infact, I want to travel all over the world because I know there is so much more out there other than this town, state, and country.

- I took 2 years of Russian, but Ya goveryoo rooski yazik ploho. :( I still love the language though.

-I'm in a freshman french class and it's a little annoying, but whatever, j'adore le francais.

- Taking hot showers is love.

- The Summit Diner is love (coffee,grilled cheese and fries, mmmm).

- I don't like to complain alot. Everyone has their off days but I really try to be positive and take things how they really are. It's not so hard if you really think about things.

-I believe in love above all things. I love someone with all my heart and to me, that is what makes my life truely meaningful.

-My best friend is Daniel Kontz. He is the best anyone could ask for. He's an amazing boyfriend, he's wonderful and genuine and my life would be empty without him♥.

- - Things that I don't like/annoy me: having bad breath, hypocracy, liars,when people make promises and break them, bug bites, when people say they don't care about what is going on in the world, judgemental people, sterotypes, when people tell me that I'm naive because I'm young, people who don't believe in me,controlling parents,assuming things,losing people I love,messy rooms,fish,being embarassed,getting licked by my dog, roller coasters (I'm not scared, I just don't like them!), ignorance.

- -Things I do like!: my cats, wearing sunglasses, drinking tea all the time, candy stores, laughing, nighttime in the summer, downpours of rain, the wind, star gazing, ice skating in july, walking around, political discussions, dancing around my room, getting dressed in 4 layers of clothes and running around the block in July with 3 good friends only to take off all the layers and jump in my pool,learning,my garden,cooking, baking, laughing until I cry, smiling, being happy, having a good cry once in a while,playing frisbee, watching soccer, taking deep breaths, learning about different religions, good quotes, playing board games,yawning (as I typed that I yawned!), sleeping, being woken up by Daniel, baking, drinking big glasses of water really fast, having fond memories, running for no reason, going in the woods, stnad up comedy,taking pictures, thinking, cuddling, vanilla chai, Border's, Willy $hake$!, being in love and so, so much more..
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