Friend Add Button
Friend add theonemod
Friend add theoneagency
Friend add theonegame
Friend add theonenews
Friend add theonesecret
Friend add theoneinbox
Friend add theoneooc
Friend add theoneroom
Friend add theonelog
Friend add mistershadows
Friend add jacobysangels
Friend add vengeanceboy
Friend add craving_brian
Friend add satanxruki
Friend add way_ftw
Friend add g_a_b_egetuhigh
Friend add xmikesxwayx
Friend add trickstumph
Friend add hart_2_hart
Friend add jaredsexual
Friend add kevinziggy
Friend add livingemo
Friend add ohyayitsjwalk
Friend add mister_gates
Friend add 3cheers4frankie
Friend add lightsoffon
Friend add standstillsmile
Friend add prettyboywill
Friend add itsohsoshocking
Copy and paste the list
HERE and hit 'EXECUTE'. AIM screen names must be manually added
HERE. All the communities you must friend are included in the above list, EXCEPT
theonelyrical. This community is entirely optional because most don't like their friend's page containing full length lyrics, but by all means, friend if you wish. But to actually join the communities you must do it manually.
theoneagency -
JOIN - The main account.
theoneooc -
JOIN - OOC community.
theonegame -
JOIN - For thread games.
theonelog -
JOIN - Posting and reading AIM logs.
theonelyrical -
JOIN - Lyric community. The one community not on the automatic friend add list.
theoneinbox -
JOIN - Email server. Send and receive emails.
theonesecret -
JOIN - Secret community. Think LJ Secret / Post Secret.
theonenews -
JOIN - Read and write news clippings.
theoneroom -
JOIN - The random community.