Jul 02, 2004 16:30
For all of you, apparently the dates of my posts are a month ahead...so oh well.
There's way too much for me to put here...so I'll put some of the basics.
Friday my parents left town and i didn't have to work, def good day. Played phone tag with Matt, who kept tellin me where eh was b/c he was on his way up from FL to north GA with his gf, his gf's mom Meg, and his gf's sis Jen. Nada worked out for me to meet up with him that night, and I was over at Ian's anyway. So basically, I chilled @ Ian's that night.
Saturday, i woke up, umm...around 9? I hate not being able to sleep in anymore...it's annoying. School does that to you >_<. Anyway, i watched some tv or something, not even sure until like 2 when i went home, and played some guitar until Matt, Jen, Meg, and Linda came and picked me up. Lots of details after that, but this si where the basics come in.
First impressions - Meg looked younger than 18, mom seemed relaxed, matt was the same as always, and Jen seemed not too shabby ;). Ride up there was kinda awkward til after dinner, when everynoe started being less tense or somethin, duno. Everyone just started talking, was more fun. That night, we rode some...er...go-karts, if you can even use that term for them. Was fun, then came back to the cabin, played some pool and talked to Jen til like 2:30 or something, which was a lot of fun, got to know her. Next morning, woke up, hung out all day around, and laughed at Meg and Matt sleepin on each other, talked to Jen and Linda, watched part of the first Lord of the rings. Had a...err..ionteresitng ride home, but yea that's about it
Some last notes - weekend was awesome with the exception of hurting a close friend..that hurt.
Ups about it - Jen turned out awesome, I really liked her, but should have told her goodbye...heh one of the regrets i have. Linda was cool, really laid-back and nice, Meg was a cheerleader, and Matt was obnoxious as always.
Don't plan on doin anything with me for awhile, I'll let you people know what's up when i do.