Title: Feelings
Characters: Mark + Cristina + Owen + Callie + Teddy
Word Count: 983
Summary: In the aftermath of the Season 8 finale, there are a lot of feelings flying around.
So I'm not sure if this is actually my perfect world. It's just an attempt at capturing how some of the characters may have been feeling as and and after the credits rolled on the Grey's season finale.
Mark is numb.
He's dimly aware that this isn't a good thing, that feeling pain, even excruciating pain, is better than feeling nothing at all, but he can't bring himself to care. He tries to focus, to think of things that might make him care, but his mind keeps wandering, and the images that he's attempting to drag to the surface seem to be shrouded in layers of fog. And the more he tries, and the more effort that trying becomes, the more he thinks that maybe the numbness isn't such a bad thing. If they're all going to die out here (the chances of which are looking more likely with every passing second) then at least he'll go without feeling any pain.
At least he won't be scared.
Cristina is scared.
She's not proud of that fact, knowing that she has less reason to fall apart than the rest of them. After all, she hasn't just lost her sister or the love of her life, both of her legs seem fine for the time being and although her arm hurts like a bitch at least the skin isn't being held together by a safety pin. So all things considered she survived falling out of the sky relatively unscathed.
But she did still fall out of the sky (and every time she manages to forget that fact she closes her eyes and sees it happening again), she has already lost one friend today, and if they're left out here much longer she doesn't fancy the rest of their chances of survival. Not to mention the shoe incident. This thought makes the panic rise once again and she has to glance down at her feet to check that both shoes are present and correct. Seeing that they are, she is able to make the panic die down, but in its place comes a revelation, and along with it another unpleasant feeling. They're all out here fighting for their lives and she's spent most of the day worrying about her missing shoe.
She isn't sure which feeling is stronger: the fear or the guilt.
Owen is feeling guilty.
He can't believe that he didn't check his phone sooner, that he let those messages go unnoticed for so long. Six of his surgeons (and one of them his damned wife) are somewhere between here and Boise, maybe fighting for their lives, maybe already dead, and he's spent the day worrying about how to convince Teddy to take the job at MEDCOM. The guilt churns in his gut, mixed with a large dollop of impotence, impatience at the impotence, and fear. He fights through it, calls Boise, calls Search and Rescue, calls everyone he can think of who might be able to help when (he refuses to think of it as an 'if') they get the team back to Seattle Grace Mercy West. Then he sits, fingers tapping out a nervous beat on his desk, waiting and thinking. Thinking about what he should have done, thinking about what he has yet to do. Thinking of more phone calls which he has to make, of phone calls which he hopes to receive. He glowers at the phone, willing it to ring. This impotence is worse than the guilt.
It makes him impatient.
Callie is impatient.
And horny. And also a little cold, which only makes her more impatient for Arizona to get home and warm her up. She supposes that she could just get up and turn the heating on, but that would ruin the mood somewhat. Not that lying on the bed shivering in her lingerie is exactly the epitome of sexy. She sighs, checking the clock on the nightstand for maybe the hundredth time. The plane should have landed two hours ago. Even allowing for delays, for travelling time, for time to check in that patient (and there's always one) that Arizona just can't go home for the night without seeing, her wife ought to have been here by now. But she isn't, and this sexy surprise is getting less sexy by the second.
In the next room her phone begins to ring. Grumbling, she hauls herself off the bed and goes to answer it. It had better be Arizona telling her that she's on her way right now, and with a very good reason for keeping her waiting in the first place. But it isn't. It's Owen Hunt, and if he expects her to come back to the hospital now then she's not just going to be impatient.
She's going to be pissed.
Teddy is pissed.
She's stomping around her apartment, throwing her possessions into a duffel bag, and cursing the day Owen Hunt was born. And the day she fell in love with Owen Hunt, and the day Owen Hunt didn't tell her that her husband was dead, and especially today, the day Owen Hunt decided to fire her. And yes, the rational part of her brain may understand why he did it, the rational part of her brain may even be a little grateful, but she's choosing to ignore the rational part of her brain right now. Right now she wants to be angry, and irrational, and to throw things around, which may not be a good idea given that she thinks she might actually have broken that last photo frame.
Leaving the packing for the meantime, she switches on the TV, just in time for the evening news. Images of what looks like survivors from some sort of accident appear on the screen, and at first her surgeon's instincts kick in and she considering putting aside her irrational hatred for Owen and calling him to beg for surgical privileges one last time. Then she sees the text scrolling along the bottom of the screen and is stopped cold. All of her anger is gone.
She just feels numb.