Jun 05, 2009 04:13
I've been contending with the issues of relevance and utility. What is the relevance of happiness when the utility of relevance is concerned? Life and death are entirely too random for contentness to rely on stability. I say bring on the entropy.
Thoughts, opinions, stances, rages, loves, they're all so fleeting. S'why I haven't been writing; I'm such a different person between days, that it's sometimes difficult to justify putting something that I know will change with the hours down in words. Other things don't deserve words, and some are only mocked by them. False realizations are easy to write about, but to move past them so smoothly that you can't recall who you were before them is the art of a wise man. Or a drunk one.
We all get caught up in our own worlds from time to time, usually due to being overly or under stimulated in it, or from it, for me anyway. Can't even say which a lot the times. I've been stuck in the sticky web of my head for a little while now; nothing serious, the mass of cobwebs prove it inevitable occasionally. If others could appreciate these times the way that I do, I would appreciate them all the more. However, I do need some time out of it. My head.
Kyle got a new puppy. Some Jack Russel mutt. He's cute; we'll see if he survives Wilson's clumsy affections.
And yes, this is all bullshit.