Time Travel is Dangerous

Oct 07, 2009 16:38

This post is designed to put something more positive as my latest post and doesn't really have much substance. No reason you should have to read it- but who'se gonna stop you if'n you wanna.

I've been pushing myself to get work done. A quick talk with Keyon, my business partner, gave me a wake up call that we went live with out original site in February and realized we needn't to make the upgrade I've been working on since then shortly after with the intent of being live in March or at the latest April. As a result, I've been setting hard deadlines for my work schedule and pushing that much harder to get things done- putting gaming behind work as a priority- y'know, the strategy that got me through college successfully? Gave it a try and sure enough it still works.

The lj cut description isn't relevant, just what I have stuck in my head at the moment. Had a very much needed talk with Kristie the other night. It's allowed me to work better and felt good to get over that talking to people about important things ridge- I think. I haven't rightly tested it with anyone else, or Kristie again for that matter. I need to figure out me things right now- that includes my work priorities, my friends, and my spirituality (not in that order). Not only am I going to begin going to the college group again, but Friday's is beginning a "Men's Ministry" which sounds interesting- The college group has always served as the adult ministry since the next one is young married couples ministry basically. I'm looking forward to both. I'm also looking forward to hanging out with old friends and people I never really got to know when, well, I saw them everyday.

I gotts youth to advise- God help them. I'm off to be an adviser at church! Hopefully I'll post here again soon! Sorry to people I haven't talked to in forever- we should hang out sometime soon! Seriously- I'm making an effort to do it, and I'm gonna, for reals.
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