Mar 28, 2004 23:38
+so today was the today i became a mother!!... of 4 baby chicks that is.... (*so far*)
my family has a farm house in woodstock, VA and so we decided that we needed chickens at our farm. so, we got about 20 eggs and we've watched them chill in an incubator for the past couple weeks. we all knew the eggs were supposed to hatch today but this mornin when i went to check on them none had hatched. disappointed but hopeful i decided to wait in the room and watch TV. after an episode of the real world i started hearing chirping- so i ran over to the incubator. none had hatched yet... but i saw cracks in some of the eggs!! n so i stared anxiously at the incubator until one of them hatched!! and since i was the first living thing it saw it thinks i am its mommy!! then all of a sudden another one hatched!! and then through out the day 2 more hatched, and since i was the only one home i again became the mother of 2 more chicks!!*4 total* we know that only a certain percent of the eggs are not going to hatch but we suspect that a few more will hatch by the morning. i cant wait!!